I made it to Prague!
I am now in Prague. But getting here was a little adventure.
Yesterday evening Elwira took me to the bus station where I waited for my bus to depart at 5pm. So far so good... We drove through central Vienna for one last glance at the beautiful city on the way to the highway. I got a great look at Austrian countryside as we headed towards Czech. Fields of sunflowers, corn, wheat, lots and lots of grass and farms. The border crossing was a joke really, it looked more like a highway toll station then an international border. We had our passports briefly checked and we were officially in Czech Rep.. Almost immediately after the border we had a little stop where I met some of my fellow travellers, a group of 4 60'ish year old women New Zealander friends travelling around Europe together. Very friendly and chit chatty. Everyone got back on the bus and we left. WE drove about 35 mins through little towns, fields a beautiful sunset and then we noticed our bus driver making a U-turn. The Kiwi women and I speculated that there must be an accident ahead and we were finding another route. After 30 minutes we asked some young guys on the bus to ask the driver is Czech what the deal was. They did and it turns out the bus driver left a passenger at the rest stop. We had only driven 35 minutes (yes, i was actually keeping an eye on the time) but it took over an hour to return to the get the lost guy. We ended up 2.5 hours behind schedule somehow and arrived after 11pm.
Its not that dramatic except a bunch of us were thinking the metro was going to be closed and for me, as a single female traveller, arriving by 9 was reasonable but travelling around 12am not so much. Thankfully the guys showed me how to use the tram, where to get on and for how long and helped me locate a ticket purchasing machine (at night this can prove to be quite a task). I made it too the hostel by 12.15am after getting off at the wrong stop, walking the deserted streets a little afraid of my own shadow and being stared at by drunken Czech guys. Not a bad night!
Now for a day of sightseeing...
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