Origami and Earthquakes!!

My life on the Japanese trail...and beyond!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Schindlers List

Aside from a movie that I still have never seen, Schindler was a man who influenced many peoples lives and today, I saw his factory. My friend in Vienna, Elwira, also lives near Krakow in a place called Kalwaria and through email she got me in touch with her cousin, Gabi. I met Gabi this morning and she walked me around Krakow, a wonderful little private tour by a local. We hit many sites including Wawel Castle, Schindlers factory, The Jewish area of Krakow (that was a Jewish ghetto during the war), the main town square and Krakow's biggest church. I also sampled delicious Polish food today, Polish Pierogies and borscht. My pierogi were filled with mushrooms and cabbage and Gabi ate Russian style cheese, onion and potato ones. Yum is the word!

Tomorrow I am off to meet Elwira and Gabi's family in Kalwaria and to visit Auschwitz.

Mata ne!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Nic,

Well lots of comments. Again it just makes me want to be there to see and feel the same things. Have fun and more fun. Love you.

Mom xoxoxoxoxox

1:48 AM  

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