Origami and Earthquakes!!

My life on the Japanese trail...and beyond!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Day 5- Xi'an

Ok so I've technically been back from China for two weeks now but I have had many requests for posts about the rest of my trip so here they are! Pics to follow!!

Our first day in Xi'an was spent recouping from the train ride and walking around the city. Xi'an was super easy to navigate as the city is walled and the four main streets all come together in a big square with a Bell Tower and Drum Tower in the middle. We ventured into the two towers, through the markets and into The Great Mosque in the Muslim quarter. We also enjoyed a yummy Japanese Tapenyaki lunch.

At night we caught the final night of the summer beer garden in the central square. It was a beautiful set up because the drum tower could be seen above the crowd in the dark. The night was a lot of fun despite the weird combo of music (Kenny G meets Chinese Opera).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you have been back for two weeks. send more news sept 4th was 3 days ago i need more time at work to tear up all my love SRS

12:47 AM  

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