Happy Halloween!
Hope your day is spooktastic!
My life on the Japanese trail...and beyond!
Last night was Fright Night 2005 at a club called Sonic in Iwaki. A group of us got all dressed up, prepartied, then had a good time at the club. The night was filled with great DJ's (including our local ex ALT DJ'ing friend) John, tasty drinks and lots of dancing. It was the first time that I actually made it to the end of the night at Sonic. Yeh Halloween!
Last night I felt the biggest earthquake I have ever felt!! I was just sittin on my couch, watching TV, minding my own business when all of Yamazaki Mansion (my apt building) started shaking. My light fixtures were swaying, all my room decorations were wobbling about and my shoji were shuttering. I was more then just a little scared...I was borderline FREAKED OUT! Lukily, however, there was no damage done! Phew!
So I was doing a little reading tonight and came across the Canadian Crime Report for 2004. This is one of the articles I found interesting. It talks about how Canada is ranked high (2nd and 3rd) on the list of countries that supply certain illegal drugs to Japan. Canada is also responsible for 10% of the pot siezed in Japan while two years ago Canada had no presence at all. This is by no means earth shattering news, however, I find it interesting as I have never really given it any thought before.
This week I have been visiting my ghetto school- Tamagawa. For the most part the students are cool and like to chit chat and participate in english class. But there are a a group of boys in every second year class that just like to cause problems. They run up and down the hallways (undetered by the desks with potted plants put out to prevent it), jump in and out of the windows, sleep on the floor and generally don't care. Except on Tuesday I made some friends. Well- to use the words friends would be an overstatement. They wouldn't stop talking to me. Mostly they were interested in my pierced ears the size of my chest for the whole class. They kept asking "earing please!" and "cup size"?? It was awkward but made for an interesting day!
Now that I am in my third month of my second year in Japan, I have been thinking about the little things that really make my time in Iwaki great. More specifically, there is a group of people here that add just a little sunlight to my day whenever I see them. This is a shout-out for them!
Japan had this great thing called the Birthday Deal. When it is your birthday you can fly anywhere you would like in Japan, accomanied by three friends, for the set price of about $200.