Friends at the Hyatt
This morning I discovered the Hyatt breakfast buffet and it was delicious! For the great price of about $3 Cdn I had the choice of Malay food, fresh fruit, baked goods, omlette bar, pasta?, french toast or waffles with super toppings made to order and more! The best thing I tried was the Malay roti and curry type dish. It wasn't a strong curry but it was savory and worked well as a breakfast food.
On top of a great breakfast I also made a friend. His name is Ziadnoon (i have no idea how one might pronounce that) and is the French toast/waffle/fried egg station guy. I would say he is about my age and heis really friendly. He asked me about my plans and where I was from. When I told him I lived in Japan we chatted about Tokyo and his plans to visit friends in Tokyo. He gave me some good advice on where to go for a more relaxing beach atmosphere on top of other interesting tid bits about KK. I realize he was doing his job, but he was by far one of the friendliest people I've met so far on my trip.
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